Tuesday 2 March 2010


"There's a reason we refer to "leaps of faith"... If faith were rational, it wouldn't be - by definition - faith. Faith is belief in what you cannot see or prove or touch. Faith is walking face-first and full-speed into the dark. If we truly knew all the answers in advance as to the meaning of life and the nature of God and the destiny of our souls, our belief would not be a leap of faith and it would not be a courageous act of humanity; it would just be... a prudent insurance policy." - Elizabeth Gilbert from the book "Eat. Pray. Love."

Sportsmen, competitors, people striving for various kinds of goals, whether it be a world record in sprinting 400 metres, completing a triathalon or climbing Mount Everest, have for years been attracting their own destinies by visualising and meditating on the outcome they want to actually manifest.

I have long been a fan of Dr. Wayne Dyer and maybe I don't agree with everything he has to say, but that isn't always necessary to find a balance with someone who inspires you. One of his many creations is to inform and spread the message about a special kind of meditation for manifestation.

If you're interested in trying out something new in your life, because the other stuff isn't working or maybe you want to explore new approaches... well, here's your chance. I am sharing with you one of the most powerful meditations I have encountered. It's a work in progress, but if it comes way too easy, the outcome won't be as gratifying. What do you have to lose?

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