Thursday 3 January 2013


Finished making my almond milk today. After letting the whole almonds sit in the water overnight, I blended them up real good together wih the existing water. Have seen other recipes where they change the water and blend it in fresh water instead, but I didn't bother as I feel it's a pity to waste precious water with almond goodness extracted into it.

After blending the almonds and the water for several minutes, I separated the almond pulp and the milk that was created from the blending through a cheese cloth attached onto a pan. See pic below. It look a bit of time to wait for it to drip through, but it was worth it. I finally extracted 600 ml of milk and used the leftover pulp to sit in a new batch of water to see if I can extract even more almond milk out of it.

The coffee today with my own homemade almond milk tasted looovely! I must say, it actually tasted nicer than the one bought in the store. Big success!  :)

Wednesday 2 January 2013


Since Big J moved in with me and I'm no longer the only human living in the flat anymore, I must say I have been struggling. Before, I could mind my own business, eat whatever I wanted however boring it could be, train whenever, sleep whenever, do whatever whenever. But as soon as another person lives with you that you actually care for, it becomes harder. And as a woman, I think we automatically feel this calling of taking care of our man, which shifts the focus from ourselves instead of trying to find a balance.

So, I have gone through a period of 5 months where I have strayed from my usual diet and training regime and finally I've had enough. Don't get me wrong, I've had a good time, I'm not gonna lie, but when the jeans are getting too tight that's when I have to set my foot down. Honestly, I am dead scared of going down the dangerous path of obesity again, which I know won't happen again, but the fear is there, in the back of my head.

Like so many other people after New Years, I am jumping on the detox bandwagon for 30 days. Unfortunately, I have been sick with fever and a throat infection, but I am back to writing my food journal and restricting calories as well as carbs. It's good to be back on track!

Next step is to chose a training program. I thought I might just go back to my old one I did with upper and lower body split supersets, together with my classes I instruct at the gym, but I had such good results last year doing the first 5 weeks of Jamie Eason's LiveFit Trainer that I'm gonna go back and finish it. This time, I will start in week 5 phase 2 and go from there.

But for now, lots of tea with lemon and honey. Gaaah!

Jamie Eason's Livefit Trainer


Now that almond milk has finally become a little bit more popular, it's nice to see it popping up on the supermarket shelves. However, thesupermarkets have forgotten one important thing: to buy the non-sweetened almond milk.

Read somewhere it's supposed to be quite easy to make your own almond milk, so this time I'm going to try to make my own instead of buying. It will reduce the cost by more than half. Yay!

Step 1:
Steep 2 dl organic almonds in 10 dl of water a minimum of 5 hrs, preferrably much longer for a sweeter taste, which is what I'm going to do. I'm actually leaving it overnight. Add a tiny bit of organic vanilla powder in the water for a vanilla tasting almond milk. And let it all sit...

To be continued...