Thursday 12 July 2012



Raw food balls recipe
Remember, I don't really measure when cooking or baking so I suggest you use your own judgement and taste buds to get these the way you like them. Use a food processor and add:
Almond flour (optional)
Coconut oil
Raisins, sultanas, figs and/or dadles
Nuts (whichever you prefer)
Seeds (sesame, pumpkin)
Spirulina and/or wheatgrass powder
Water or any other liquid you prefer
Mix all the ingredients well and taste the batch. Make them into little balls and roll them in coconut flakes or cocoa powder mixed with stevia. Store in the fridge. Yummm! Enjoy!

Monday 2 July 2012


Crispbread or crackers, whatever you want to call them. Whatever the name, it is the best recipe you'll ever try. You won't know how the heck you've lived without it until now!!!

Here's my recipe (all ingredients are organic and GMO-free):

  • 1 dl flaxseeds

  • 1½ dl sesame seeds

  • ½ dl pumpkin seeds

  • ½ dl sunflower seeds

  • 1-2 tsp vegetable broth (I use Renée Voltaire)

  • ca 2½ dl water

Mix all the ingredients in a bowl and let it sit for an hour or three, depending on your time. Put the oven on 50¤ Celsius and put the rack at the lowest level. Put a baking sheet into a semi-deep pan, just to stop the mixture dripping outside the pan. Pour the wet mixture onto the baking sheet and spread it/flatten it evenly with a spoon, all over the baking sheet. Put the pan into the oven on the lowest rack and let it cook for 3-4 hours on the same low heat. Perfect time to clean the house, do laundry or other "fun" things around the hous. Once done (when it's no longer wet underneath) let it cool for a bit before you try it. It's soooo yummy!

I like to eat my crispbread, or crackers, with almond butter. Or with a slice of cheese when it's straight from the oven. Or why not with some cottage cheese and avokado. There are no limits! Bon apetit.

The wet mixture before the flaxseeds develop the gel around them.

The mixture spread out evely on the baking sheet before going into the oven.

Freshly out of the oven. Mmmm!

Sunday 1 July 2012


You can't achieve success if you're not moving toward something. Think about your ultimate long-term goal, and then break it down into less overwhelming mini-goals. Then find some incentives to help you stay the course. What kinds of goals am I talking about? The ambitious and attainable ones.

First: Think long and hard about what you want. Make sure your goals are actually things you want to achieve, not what society dictates or what your family or friends want for you. Ultimately your life is yours and you must live it for yourself. I know you might be thinking that's selfish, but so what? Sometimes being a little selfish is a good thing, especially if it enables you to take care of yourself.

Second: Remember, goals are not inflexible roadblocks meant to make you feel badly about yourself. If you don't accomplish a goal exactly on schedule, so what? You can't predict what life is going to throw your way — but you CAN choose the way you react to situations that come up. That is where your power lies. If you fall off the wagon, just get back on — no ifs, ands, or buts about it.

Third: We all have to be realistic when we set our goals. I'm 5 feet 2 inches, and I have a stocky build. I am never going to be a petite little waif, no matter how hard I work. I also want to make a difference in the world, but something tells me I probably don't stand a good chance of running for president. Instead, I set goals that are realistic and productive. I am 5 feet 2 and stocky, but I am going to be the most fit 5-feet-2 muscle chick I can. I might not be president, but I can teach people how to be healthier and happier through fitness.

Make sense? The bottom line is that goals provide direction. They help bring a focus to our lives so that we can live our dreams — no matter how big or how small they may be.

Taken from EverydayHealth.