Thursday 4 February 2010


Do you rush through your sets? Ever swing your weights? If so, you're using incorrect form — and not only are you lessening your workout's effectiveness but you could potentially be causing your body harm. To get the most out of your workouts, you've got to use proper form. How well you lift is way more important than how much you lift. Much rather do your reps with lighter weights and better form than heavier weights with poor form. Note, we women can handle much more than what we think we do, so don't wimp out either.

So what constitutes proper form and technique? Precision, concentration, control, and breathing.
  • Precision - Use lighter weights when trying an exercise for the first time, and go through the motions slowly. Once you understand how the exercise is performed and commit the movement to muscle memory, then you can progress to heavier weights and faster completion.
  • Concentration - To achieve maximum results, you must focus on the specific muscles you are training, really feel the work you are doing, and make every rep count.
  • Control - From the beginning of the exercise to the end, you must perform the movements in a deliberate, steady manner. As well as increasing your flexibility, this will ensure that you are stimulating the entire muscle, not just a portion of it.
  • Breathing - It's very important to breathe properly during each repetition that you complete. When you are exercising, as a general rule, exhale during the lift, and inhale as you lower the weights.

So, think PCCB when you hit the weights at the gym... or join one of my BodyPump classes! ;))

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