Friday 13 November 2009


What a great fricking, kick-ass workout I just had!!! I feel so invincible it's crazy. I don't know if it has anything to do with the Fat Burner I took before jogging off to the gym, but something kicked in while I was at the gym and I completely rocked it! I was supposed to do one of the workouts from Jillian Michaels "Making the Cut" but actually got a bit intimidated by the NEW:ness of the gym, not knowing where all the equipment was, etc. So I did my own functional training set-up from what I've learnt through the years of studying this type of exercise. WOW! It was fricking GREAT!

I did exercises such as triceps push-downs in circuits with wider squats, triceps one-arm pull-back with alternating lunges, triceps kick-back with sumo squats, shoulder presses with regular squats. Then I banged out some front and medial lats raises in circuit with deadlifts and back pulls with gluteas presses. The abs got a bit of a beating as well with different forms of static as well as motion plank. To finish it off, I went down to the cardio section and thought I'd just have a nice easy jog for a few minutes just to try out the treadmills. But I went mental instead and did mad fast sprints on the treadmill for a total of 15 minutes and jacked my heart rate up to 187bpm at one point.

Had the yummiest protein shake when I got home, with low-fat organic yoghurt, banana and lemon. Delish! But how on earth am I going to be able to walk tomorrow. I'm still sore from Wednesdays workout. Even more so, how the heck am I going to survive 75 minute of boxing tomorrow morning??!!!

Now listen to this... Total burn today is.............. 1258 calories!!! I've been goooouuud! Haha! :))

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