Monday 23 November 2009


The day after the hardest 3 days of training I've ever done and I'm surprisingly feeling fine. Ok... this morning it took me about 2 hours to get up as I had to peel myself out of bed instead of the less appealing option of rolling onto the floor. My muscles had no comprehension of what the brain was telling them because they had no strength whatsoever. And although I am in desperate need of a massage because of the repeated beatings, I would do it all over again tomorrow. Demented I might be, but I DID love every second of the experience.

Next thing on the agenda is Krav Maga this coming weekend. I hope my muscles have healed until then. Krav Maga is the official self defense system of the Israeli Defense Forces. For you who want to come with, let me know. It would be great fun to have a couple of chicks go and raise some trouble for the instructors. Haha! But mainly, be able to raise hell should someone evil-minded try anything on with you.

Now, I'm gonna watch Biggest Loser and finish up all the chocolate, candy, sweets, etc. in the house as I'm back to my regular diet tomorrow. When you train 5 hours a day it's ok to eat like a big, burly army man, but I'm back to reality... sitting on my buttocks most of the time... and squeezing in some running and other workouts during the day. Hoping I can do a Body Pump class tomorrow night and a run tomorrow morning. We'll see...
But for now... Mmmmm Marabou! =P

Krav Maga in action

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