Monday 30 November 2009


I'm starting a X-mas challenge! The holidays are quickly approaching and a lot of us have several different emotions connected to this specific event. We have sometimes forgotten the real meaning with the holidays. It's not about spending ridiculous amount of money on presents. And it's definitely not about all that food, binge-eating, being immobile and swelled up afterward, then feeling anxiety and guilt for stuffing yourself beyond recognition...

I am doing my own X-mas challenge this year and it would be great fun if you could join me. Whatever your goal might be, it would be awesome to share the experience. My own goal is to tone up my muscle definition and get even fitter cardiovascularly, but mainly, instead of gaining weight this holiday season, I am aiming to lose 5 kilograms / 11 pounds.
My start date is 1st of December 2009 (tomorrow) and my finish date is 10th of January 2010.

What is your X-mas challenge? What are your personal goals?


  1. My goal is acctually the opposite from yours, as usual, to gain 5kg:)
    but since I've been having that goal for more than a year now I think I'm going to fail just as the other 47 times?
    Ciao :)

  2. Jag är på!
    Mitt mål: hålla mig under 62 kg. ju närmare 60 dess bättre! inte svulla utan äta tills jag är 80% mätt, ta en knäck, inte 100.
    jag håller klasser på sportlife hela julen igenom, så konditionsbiten är ok. men även att styrketräna emellan jobb och julmiddagar! vi får hålla kontakten och uppdatera vad som sker! ok?? KRAAAAAAAM!!

  3. André, we all have our own personal goals, gain or lose weight. You just have to really dedicate yourself on the ones you have for yourself and go for it! The negative thinking that you can't do it because you've tried it 47 other times should be forgotten. Every time is the 1st time, but with more reference. I'd be happy to help you out if you want me to. Let me know when you have the time to talk it over.
