Tuesday 26 January 2010


More and more women are starting to get involved with weight training, which is great, however many of them are still neglecting important factors that are causing them to not see as much progress as they could from their workouts.

Other women are still scared of the activity in general, so getting them convinced that it is a form of exercise they should include is vital. Here are some of the facts to consider.

Benefits Of Weight Training For Women:
The benefits of weight training are numerous, with just a few of them being increased metabolism, decreased body fat percentage, increased muscle definition and tone, enhanced energy, decreased risk of some serious conditions, and enhanced confidence.

Not many other forms of exercise are going to offer all of these pluses, making weight training a solid choice to start doing regularly. Many women get scared, thinking weight training is only for males, but this isn't the case at all. If anything, weight training is more important for women since it provides maximum body weight control, which is something most women struggle with.

The 'Get Huge' Myth:
Possibly the biggest reason why women don't weight train is because they are scared they will 'get huge'. It is vital that you understand this isn't the case.

First, women do not produce the level of testosterone (the muscle-building hormone) that is necessary to develop that degree of muscle mass, and second, most women are not eating nearly enough calories - calories which are required to assemble that much muscle mass.

You can't build muscle unless you're eating to support this, so the simple act of training in the gym is not going to make you grow bigger muscles. Those women who claim that they build muscle fast are either changing their diets significantly when they start weight lifting (eating more when they don't realize it) or are imaging this effect.

Women who are trying to compete in figure, fitness, and bodybuilding competitions have to work extremely hard for years to build that degree of muscle, so a woman who is just starting to weight train is most certainly not going to accomplish that just by chance.

Article by Shannon Clark. Full text at Bodybuilding.com

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