Thursday 19 April 2012


For all of you guys who are following my blog know that I have been a bit quiet lately. I don't know why really. I have had things to write and share but still didn't feel like they were worth sharing. I have been feeling a bit low as well and got a few days where I was feeling a bit feverish and then I got a cold. What's good about being healthy in general is that although I do get sick, it's not like I'm dying and I think I bounce back pretty quickly anyway. But as an active person, days of rest (in this case 3) feels like forever and I am getting antsy about getting back to training. My philosophy nowadays, and have been for a while, is "train hard or don't bother". I know it's an all or nothing mentality but it's just the way I function. It's full throttle or no gas at all. Makes life exciting but it also means I burn out a bit quicker, I think.

I have this ideal picture of my training schedule (comes out to about 9 sessions per 7 day week between crossfit, kickboxing, pure strength and my own classes) and then my body says stop by signaling different ailments. Pisses me off but maybe I'm supposed to learn from it too. I heard someone say that you are truly healthy when you have these 3 aspects balanced: physical, psychological and emotional. There might be some truth in that statement as I can notice although my diet is spot on and my caloric intake is on par with my BMR, I train good, get pretty good sleep, I am STILL not losing any weight or fat. How is it possible?! But I also think I am not in a very good mental state at the moment with a lot of things going on in my life which keeps dragging me down emotionally, that in return affects my cortisol levels and fires stress into my body.

This waiting game for my life to get more stable isn't doing much good for my health and I haven't figured out a way to block it out. If I could, I defo would. But then I wouldn't have a balanced trio of physical, psychological and emotional health... Hmm, something to think about...

Now, I'm gonna prep brekkie for tomorrow, then read my new BODY magazine that I just got in the mailbox today and off to bed for an early night. Friiiidaaaayyy tomorrow!!! :)

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