Thursday 17 December 2009


The crew who were the instructor's during the release filming of Body Combat 42: Angel, Pernilla (my instructor from the training!!),
Dan and Rachel Cohen (the choreographers).

My body is whiped. I feel like I've been wrung out and dripped dry! But man, oh man... I am on such a HIGH!! Adrenaline is spiking. Endorphines are flowing. I have just climbed Mount Everest! At least I probably could have with this amazing feeling...

I've just held my first Body Combat class... ever! And although it wasn't 100% perfect (for you who know my perfectionist nature... that would've been squeeky clean!)... but that's not why I became an instructor. I do it because I love it. I love the energy. The fun! The people. Plus of course, I love the class itself. In total, it was awesome!!!

Now I'm sitting here with a big protein shake and munchin on my homemade energy bars. Didn't know Murphy loved them so much as well... haha. Now shower and beeeed! Oh, and Shakti Mat!!!

Hey check out Body Combat release 42 someone recorded, track 7, which is the Muay Thai theme empowered!

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